What is coaching? And how is it different from therapy?
Professional coaching focuses on setting goals, and creating outcomes and growth based on self-initiated change. A coach partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching is client-driven and emphasizes learning, action, accountability, follow-through and ultimately transformation. Many coaches go through training and are certified.
Therapy Emphasizes psychopathology, emotions and the past to improve overall psychological functioning when dealing with the present. Therapy deals with healing pain, dysfunction and conflict. It focuses on developing skills for managing emotions or past impacts. Therapists are licensed and are skilled at managing mental health issues.
Is coaching right for me?
If you want to take advantage of an opportunity or challenge, feel “stuck” or “in a rut” on the path to achieving your goals, or believe there is more to life than what you have right now, partnering with a coach can benefit you. According to the 2017 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study, coaching clients reported positive impacts that include:
- Improved communication skills
- Increased self-esteem/self-confidence
- Increased productivity
- Improved work/life balance
- Increased well-being
- Improved business management strategies
- Optimized business performance
- Expanded professional career opportunities
- Accelerated on-boarding into a new professional role
Coaching is a guided process through which a coach helps you come to your own conclusions through the power of questions and deep, or active listening. You are supported to find your own answers, and these are the best answers because you are the expert when it comes to you! In coaching you will spend time with your biggest supporter who believes in you and is very committed to your learning, growth and transformation.
How long does coaching take?
There is no set formula for change but you can expect bi-weekly sessions for about 6 months. In general, you will start experiencing changes after a few sessions and as these changes continue you will start to see transformation over time. Pace yourself. Take a break when you need it and resume when it feels right, you want support, or a check-in.
How much does coaching cost?
Coaching costs vary. Committing to a 6-month package will lower the overall cost. If you have a need and cannot manage the costs, Catalyst & Co makes space for pro bono or barter clients. Contact Amy@CatalystandCo.Co to discuss your specific needs.